Engineered Addiction

Thanks to our increasing understanding of the behavioral science behind the formation of habits, marketers, designers, and engineers are creating products and services that are as addictive as possible. 

Glanceable Content

Marketing effectively today means capturing the attention of a consumer base that is increasingly resistant to the stream of content they see all day.

Mood Matching

As tracking technology becomes more sophisticated, marketers are turning to immersive experiences inspired by industries like gaming to make sure that their content adapts to their consumers’ moods.


Content creators make use of social experiments and real-life interactions to reveal interesting insight about human behavior and build more authentic connections with their audiences. 

Everyday Stardom

Some of today’s most innovative and influential ideas are coming from complete outsiders whose unconventional quirks disrupt entire industries.

Selfie Confidence

As selfies take over the Internet, people are debating the roles that this modern form of self-portraiture can play in empowering the marginalized and insecure alike through self-expression.

Collaborative Economy

New business models and tools allow consumers and brands to tap the power of sharing and collaborative consumption to find new ways to buy, sell and consume products and services.

Media Binging

As more media and entertainment becomes available on any device on demand, consumers use their newfound control to “binge” on media when they have the time and are willing to pay extra for the convenience.

Degree-Free Learning

The quality of E-learning is skyrocketing, as more students consider alternatives to traditional college educations.

Partnership Publishing

Aspiring authors and publishing professionals team up to create “in-it-together” publishing models.