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What is the

Non-ObviousTM Trend Series?

The Non-Obvious Trends series curated and explored some of the most powerful trends shaping our culture for ten years, culminating in 2020 with bestselling edition Megatrends. Since its beginning in 2011, the series has won more than twenty prestigious book awards, been used by hundreds of the world’s leading organizations, and been read or shared by over one million readers.

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Non-Obvious thinking

How to See What Others Miss


“Breakthrough!” ―Tony Robbins, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author

“Must read!” ―Sal Khan, Founder & CEO of Khan Academy

“Delightful.” ―Adam Grant, #1 NY Times Bestselling author

Shift Your Perspective. Be More Non-Obvious.
In Non-Obvious Thinking, bestselling futurist Rohit Bhargava and pioneering venture capitalist, Ben duPont come together to offer a concise four step method to think bigger.

nonobvious book

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Frequently Asked Questions

You often share that you don't think of yourself as a futurist, so why are you an authority on trends?

I have spent my career advising hundreds of global brands in almost every industry you can imagine, and I speak at more than 40 events a year. This diversity of industry and experience is a key factor in how these trends are focused. So while I don’t see myself as a futurist because I focus on the near term, I often describe myself as a trend curator because I believe you can predict the future by understanding the present.

Have you ever been wrong on a trend or prediction?

Trend Longevity Ratings: A, B, and C

Of course. While making 100+ predictions, there have been some misses. Unlike many other trend forecasts, I build a lot of transparency into my predictions. There’s an appendix in the book that features a recap of every past trend and an updated analysis of how that trend fared over time. A letter grade is assigned to every trend based on its longevity.

OK, what's with the Post-It notes?

I dress that way every weekend! Actually, it’s from a fun photoshoot that an editorial team did for an article about my process. The idea was to show how I sort through all the “information noise” in order to find meaning and identify interesting ideas. If you think that was fun, you should see this time-lapse video about getting all those notes to stick.


You write about using trends for “fun and profit.” What do you mean, and can you tell us more specifically about the profit part of that?

The fun part is that understanding what direction the world is moving can make you more interesting as a person. On the profit side, when you can see the shifts happening in culture and behavior, you can pivot your business or career to take advantage.

You did trend reports for ten years. Why stop?

This is a question I get a lot. Much like Jerry Seinfeld said when asked the same question about ending his show, I wanted to end this project gracefully while it was at its peak. Writing this annual book was the longest continuous project of my career, but it was time to move on to other projects.

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Specifically, I wanted to invest my time and resources in making Non-Obvious a more powerful brand and point of view in the world. Beyond the trends, we now have shows, guides, awards programs, workshops, courses, and much more. The future of the Non-Obvious brand is about much more than trends!

So what’s next for your trend research?

The Future Normal book

In 2023, I partnered with renowned British Futurist Henry Coutinho-Mason to co-author The Future Normal. The book features 30 trends shaping the future of humanity and was launched from the stage to a packed room at SXSW 2023 in Austin, Texas.

The world has changed thanks to COVID-19. Are these trends still relevant?

It would be easy to say yes, but the truth is no one really knows. Will the importance of human connection, a key element of several megatrends, dramatically change? It is hard to say. But
Megatrends isn’t only about the ten megatrend predictions. It is about helping you embrace a way of thinking that will allow you to be flexible to survive in this new world. The future will belong to non-obvious thinkers. That remains true even today.

Why should I buy Megatrends?

This book will help you get smarter and more ready for the coming decade. In addition to the ten megatrends that you need to know, the method of trend curation you’ll learn in Non-Obvious Megatrends will help you think differently, be more creative, and see what no one else sees. The future belongs to non-obvious thinkers, and this book will help you become one!

What's the big idea of Megatrends?

There are two big ideas.The first is that the world needs more open-minded people who think for themselves. I want to help people see the world independently, so they aren’t easily manipulated by those who seek to profit from warping their worldview.

The second is that by understanding the “megatrends” shaping our culture today, you will be able to grow your business, propel your career, and generally make a bigger impact in the world no matter what you do.

How is Megatrends different from other books that claim to predict the future?

Too many trend predictions are based on laziness, wishful thinking, or are just plain obvious. This book was inspired by ten years of research and more than 100 past trend predictions. The curated stories and real-world examples will help you understand the accelerating present and what it means for you.

In Megatrends, you share stories from Hong Kong’s last birdcage maker to entrepreneurial indigo farmers from northern Tennessee. How do you find these unique examples?

I am an avid collector of stories. I tear articles out of unusual magazines and read hundreds of stories every week to write my weekly newsletter. In addition, I speak at 50+ global events a year and interview dozens of fascinating people. I also receive hundreds of books to review every year. All of this is also part of my trend curation process.

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