Non-Obvious Trends

Non-ObviousTM Trends

Ten Years of Insights Read by Over 1 Million People


Content creators make use of social experiments and real-life interactions to reveal interesting insight about human behavior and build more authentic connections with their audiences.


About This Trend:

There was a time when social experiments were primarily conducted by students and professors working in psychology or anthropology departments at universities. We would hear the results of these experiments through research studies published in journals, or (if you weren’t an academic) through mainstream media reports that condensed and reported on the results after they were published.

Today these social experiments are being launched by a wider range of actors across industries more frequently, resulting in interesting explorations of all aspects of human behavior. Today’s best studies are no longer coming exclusively from academia: They are published by individual content creators, agencies, or brands, and serve as an additional source of insight for marketers that are experimenting with new ways to engage audiences more deeply.

This trend is about distilling data to discern human emotion so that brands can adapt their content to people whose moods influence their behavior and purchases.

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