Distributed Expertise

As online platforms change how we learn and gain access to previously unreachable experts, the idea of expertise itself is shifting to become more inclusive, less academic and more accessible in real time.


Across media and entertainment, traditional gender roles are being reversed as assumptions about alternative lifestyles and the ways we define ourselves evolve.

Subscription Commerce

Businesses and retailers are adopting subscription models that deliver recurring services or products to customers instead of focusing on one-time sales.

Instant Entrepreneurs

Better support, incentives, and tools for entrepreneurs make it possible for anyone with an idea to launch a startup knowing that the costs and risks of failure are not as high as they once were.

Collaborative Economy

New business models and tools allow consumers and brands to tap the power of sharing and collaborative consumption to find new ways to buy, sell and consume products and services.


New mobile apps and startups allow consumers to optimize the process of buying everything from fashion to medical prescriptions.

Friend-Sourced Travel

Thinking small is a new competitive advantage, as slight changes to features or benefits are creating some of the biggest impacts on value.

Hyper-Local Commerce

New services and technology make it easier for people to keep their investments and purchases local.

Degree-Free Learning

The quality of E-learning is skyrocketing, as more students consider alternatives to traditional college educations.


Platforms that enable public fundraising efforts are enabling “me-funding” for anything from taking a life-changing trip to funding a college education.