Non-Obvious Trends

Non-ObviousTM Trends

Ten Years of Insights Read by Over 1 Million People


As a consequence of eroding trust in media and institutions, people are engaging in a personal quest for the truth based on direct observation and face-to-face interaction.


About This Trend:

Today the lines between truth, lies, satire and fiction have become blurrier than ever before. The term “fake news,” which had no meaning two years ago, has become one of the most popular accusations traded between politicians and media personalities alike.

We are surrounded by routine sensationalism peddled by 24-hour news channels desperate to invent a perpetual stream of “breaking news.” Lost in the midst of all this televised finger wagging is a shared sense of reality. As more of us look inward for our own definitions of the truth, the result is a trend we call Truthing, when the personal quest for facts leads each of us (for better and worse) to rely on direct observation, personal experience, face-to-face-interactions, and the opinions of those who look, talk, and think like we do.

2013 - Me-Funding Burgandy

Trend Longevity Rating


Originally Published In:

Non Obvious Trends-2013
Group 2
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