
Traditional gender divisions are replaced with a more fluid understanding of gender identity, and a reevaluation of how we see one another.

Amplified Identity

Non-Obvious Megatrend - Amplified Identity

As individualism grows globally, people are carefully cultivating how they are perceived, living authentically and chasing stardom.

Side Quirks

A global shift toward individualism has led to a surge in side businesses and a renewed appreciation for what makes people unique.

Muddled Masculinity

The rising empowerment of women and reevaluation of the concept of gender itself are causing widespread confusion and angst about what it means to be a man today.

Strategic Spectacle

Brands and creators are intentionally using spectacles to capture attention and drive engagement.


As a consequence of eroding trust in media and institutions, people are engaging in a personal quest for the truth based on direct observation and face-to-face interaction.


Shifting definitions of traditional gender roles are leading some to reject the notion of gender completely, while others aim to eliminate it from products, experiences, and even their own identities.

Enlightened Consumption

Empowered with more information about products and services than ever, people are choosing to make a statement about their values and the world today through how they buy, work, consume, and invest.

Fierce Femininity

Over the past few years the fierce, independent woman has emerged, redefining the concept of femininity and reimagining gender roles across the political, cultural, and social realms.

Desperate Detox

As technology, media clutter and an overload of gadgets make life increasingly stressful, people are seeking moments of reflection and pause.