Non-Obvious Trends

Non-ObviousTM Trends

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Protective Tech

As we rely on predictive technology to make the world safer and life more convenient, we struggle with the privacy trade-offs required to make it work.

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About This Trend:

In the future, lights will anticipate our arrival and turn themselves on. Health-tracking devices will silently monitor our vital signs, alerting us when something goes awry. AI-enabled investment trackers will manage our finances, making adjustments as necessary. Drones will protect our wilderness and police our skies. Digitized governments will allow us to file taxes accurately in minutes.

Predictive smart technology already makes our lives more convenient and safer. But in order to provide real-time utility, these technologies have to “listen,” collecting information about us and our environment 24/7. As protective tech becomes more sophisticated, it will lead to more debates about how much of our daily lives should be trackable and how important personal privacy and individual liberties are when weighed against the broader interests of society.

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Trend Longevity Rating


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Non-Obvious Megatrends by Rohit Bhargava

Stories and Examples:

    • Stories Coming Soon!

Past Trends That Inspired This Megatrend::

    • Predictive Protection (2015 + 2018)
    • Automated Adulthood (2016)
    • Robot Renaissance (2017 + 2019)
    • Invisible Technology (2017)
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