Non-Obvious Trends

Non-ObviousTM Trends

Ten Years of Insights Read by Over 1 Million People

Outrageous Outsiders

Some of today’s most innovative and influential ideas are coming from complete outsiders whose unconventional quirks disrupt entire industries.


About This Trend:

At any given moment, we are being tempted to consume an overwhelming mix of entertainment, news, content, and products. Whether you are an entertainer, journalist, content marketer, candidate, or influencer, getting eyeballs and energy behind what you’re pedalling requires something different, which is why Outrageous Outsiders — those with quirky, different, and sometimes jaw-dropping approaches to whatever they do — are winning big.

Whether it’s Donald Trump, whose lack of political experience coupled with his, well, “direct” form of communication, ended up turning the political world on its head, or movements like Brexit, whose success few could have predicted, today, there is value in being different, and even outrageously so.

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