Non-Obvious Trends

Non-ObviousTM Trends

Ten Years of Insights Read by Over 1 Million People

Crowdsourced Innovation

Brands are turning to crowdsourced platforms to collect ideas from consumers.


About This Trend:

Crowdsourcing as a term and concept is nothing new, but in 2011 it became a core element of many organizations’ social and customer engagement strategies.

The “My Starbucks Idea” site encourages consumers to share their ideas for improving the Starbucks experience. Dell’s Ideastorm site offered customers the same opportunity. A platform for funding creative ideas, allows people to fund projects they’d like to see on the market, or whose creators they want to support.

In the end, it’s a win-win situation: Consumers today enjoy feeling empowered and will reward brands that give them a voice (Because who doesn’t like a little extra attention?). In return, brands gain valuable insight and more engaged, loyal customers.

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Non-Obvious 2011

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