Non-Obvious Trends

Non-ObviousTM Trends

Ten Years of Insights Read by Over 1 Million People

Approachable Luxury

Luxury is no longer defined by scarcity and privilege: Today’s consumers value down-to-earth, authentic human experiences and unique unrepeatable experiences.


About This Trend:

Selling luxury has always been about the perception of scarcity combined with exclusivity, but there are signs that the future of luxury may need to work harder than that. Selling modern luxury requires that the experience offer more value than the product.

What happens when this new consumer mentality of experience-above-all-else meets the traditional mindset of how luxury has always been sold, through a combination of perceived scarcity, price-based discrimination, and celebrity-induced longing? Our research suggests that a new focus on Approachable Luxury will separate the brands that survive from those who won’t.

Group 2
Layer 97
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