Non-Obvious Trends

Non-ObviousTM Trends

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App-ification of the Web

Innovative mobile applications allow consumers to bypass the web for transactions and leisure activities.

App-fication of the web

About This Trend:

In 2011, as more people purchased app-enabled devices, savvy marketers started integrating everyday activities like online banking, email, and e-commerce into applications that simplify life for their customers. In a WIRED cover story titled “The Web is Dead” in August 2010, TED founder Chris Anderson declared that apps were the future of the web. That prediction has not been far from off: in 2016, a study by Sensor Tower, the app store is going to be home to five million apps by 2020. Consumers have come to incorporate apps like Uber and Google Maps into their daily lives in a way that is probably impossible to reverse.

Smart brands and organizations will explore how mobile applications can enhance or simplify their products and services.

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Non-Obvious 2011
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