Non-Obvious Trends

Non-ObviousTM Trends

Ten Years of Insights Read by Over 1 Million People

Passive Loyalty

A new understanding of loyalty is challenging brands to get smarter about how they can generate brand enthusiasts.


Growing income inequality is leading to more guilt among the affluent, and inspiring them to seek more ways to give back.

Good Speed

The urgency of the problems facing humanity is inspiring corporations, entrepreneurs, and individuals to find ways to do good (and generate results) at a faster pace than ever before.

Deliberate Downgrading

As more products become Internet-enabled and digitalized, consumers are selectively rejecting supposedly improved products and services, opting for simpler, cheaper, and sometimes more functional versions instead.

Enterprise Empathy

Empathy is becoming a driver of innovation and revenue, and a point of differentiation for products, services, hiring practices, and branded experiences.

Robot Renaissance

As robots’ utility moves into the home and the workplace, they are being given more human-like interfaces, and even micro-personalities.

Innovation Envy

Entrepreneurs, businesses, and institutions are increasingly fearful about not being able to keep up with competitors’ approaches to innovation.

Extreme Uncluttering

Brands and creators are intentionally using spectacles to capture attention and drive engagement.

B2Beyond Marketing

To simplify daily life, people are shedding their excess “stuff,” seeking pared-down experiences and even ways to unclutter their digital identities.

Fad Fatigue

Consumers are becoming wary of innovations that frame themselves as the “next big thing.”

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