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Non-ObviousTM Trend Collection

Every year our team curates the most interesting and impactful trends shaping culture and business. On this site, you can browse all of the trends from the past nine years by category, industry or year.

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Corporate Humanism

As people grow to expect and enjoy more personal relationships with brands, companies are seeing the value in giving their businesses a more human voice.

Culting of Retail

Online retailers who offer a unique user experience inspire brand loyalty.

Addictive Randomness

Creating “random” or unexpected content creates more engaging consumer experiences.

Brutal Transparency

As consumers demand transparency from brands, marketing campaigns are being more straightforward and honest in their communications strategies.


Consumers are broadcasting their locations and creating geo-targeted marketing opportunities in the process.

Employees as Heroes

Large and small brands are demonstrating their humanity by celebrating the stories and lives of their employees.

Reimagining Charity

Brands and entrepreneurs are creating innovative new models for giving back

App-ification of the Web

Innovative mobile applications allow consumers to bypass the web for transactions and leisure activities.

Instant PR & Customer Service

Real-time communication is transforming essential business functions.

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