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Soundproof Silk, How to Distribute Acid and Why Pronatalists Want a Dozen Kids

May 30, 2024 Read More about Soundproof Silk, How to Distribute Acid and Why Pronatalists Want a Dozen Kids

Why Ridiculous Art Matters, Sanctioned Deepfakes and the World’s Best Smelling Stamp

May 23, 2024 Read More about Why Ridiculous Art Matters, Sanctioned Deepfakes and the World’s Best Smelling Stamp

The Digital Guillotine, How to Fix Debates and Fighting the Motherhood Penalty 

May 17, 2024 Read More about The Digital Guillotine, How to Fix Debates and Fighting the Motherhood Penalty 

Why We Killed the Jalapeño, The Most Idiotic Idea in America and Kite Powered Cargo Ships 

May 9, 2024 Read More about Why We Killed the Jalapeño, The Most Idiotic Idea in America and Kite Powered Cargo Ships  View All


Shift Your Perspective. Read More Books.

Go inside the minds of pioneering authors and see the world through their perspectives. In this show, bestselling author Rohit Bhargava interviews groundbreaking thinkers about their big non-obvious idea and why it matters.

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The Non-Obvious Podcast

Asking the Big Questions

Explore some of the world’s most perplexing questions.

The answers to these questions are not so obvious…and that’s the point.

Join bestselling author and host Rohit Bhargava in pursuit of those answers each week. You’ll hear conversations with some of the world’s leading thinkers, curated stories from the latest news, and a fascinating story from history to cap it all off.

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Our courses provide fresh insights, engaging content, and perspective-shifting ideas that will change the way you think. Each course shares the input and experience of multiple experts. Plus, we are constantly adding additional content to the courses, so your learning never has to end.

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Changing the World Together

Non-obvious thinkers change the world, and they change the world even better when they’re together. Join our online communities and share ideas, spotlight unusual stories, and collaborate with other non-obvious thinkers from around the world.

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New Book
The Future Normal

How We Will Live, Work and Thrive
In The Next Decade

A handbook for visionaries featuring the thirty biggest non-obvious ideas and instigators that will shape humanity’s next decade, curated by two of the world’s most renowned futurists.

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