Enlightened Consumption

Empowered with more information about products and services than ever, people are choosing to make a statement about their values and the world today through how they buy, work, consume, and invest.

Disruptive Distribution

New models of distribution are disrupting the usual channels, cutting out middlemen and building more direct connections with fans and buyers.

Mainstream Mindfulness

Some of today’s most innovative and influential ideas are coming from complete outsiders whose unconventional quirks disrupt entire industries.

Precious Print

Thanks to the digital revolution, people are developing a more meaningful and emotional relationship with physical objects and printed material.

Self-Aware Data

As technology advances, algorithms and artificial intelligence make real-time analysis so fast that it can move from input to insight to action all on its own.

Moonshot Entrepreneurship

A new generation of entrepreneurs are thinking beyond profit and making social impact, not financial performance, at the center of their organizations’ missions.

Outrageous Outsiders

Some of today’s most innovative and influential ideas are coming from complete outsiders whose unconventional quirks disrupt entire industries.

Passive Loyalty

A new understanding of loyalty is challenging brands to get smarter about how they can generate brand enthusiasts.

Desperate Detox

As technology, media clutter and an overload of gadgets make life increasingly stressful, people are seeking moments of reflection and pause.

Authentic Fameseekers

A new generation of creators is turning to social media to establish their brands, attract eyeballs and become the next big thing.